荷蘭『韓僑』 Lavinia Meijer 演奏會∕韓國很多人不曉得新生代豎琴家 Lavinia Meijer 其實是一位從小被領養的荷蘭韓僑,生長在多種文化家庭的她,養父是社工人員,養母是一位會計師,在她被領養前,養母其實已有一位小女孩,養父母領養他們兄妹倆後又領養衣索比亞小孩,真的是愛心十足的荷蘭養父母。8歲時一見到豎琴就央求養父母讓她學,等到11情趣用品歲時才開始學,而且一路贏得許多國際大獎,也上了名校。她說:很多人把豎琴單單歸類於樂團樂器,其實豎琴獨特迷人的聲音跟鋼琴一樣是有許多獨奏的潛能及發揮空間。2009年1月2號 Meijer 將在漢城藝術中心與韓國交響樂團演出;同時也提到離開韓國時才兩歲的她,對於韓國依然很陌生;不過,也因為這樣,引起她對母國的文化與音樂特別感到興趣,也希太平洋房屋望藉著豎琴傳達韓國音樂… 跨年期間有機會去韓國自助旅遊的豎琴迷也可以預定時間訂張音樂票去聽。 本文轉載自【朝鮮日報】Acclaimed Korean-Dutch Harpist Plans Homecoming Concert A Korean girl adopted in the Netherlands at the age of two is returning to Korea as a famous harpist. Lavinia Meijer, 25, held her solo recital 住商房屋at New York ’s Carnegie Hall last year, and released her debut album for acclaimed label Channel Classics this year. Meijer was born in Korea, but adopted by a Dutch family, along with her older brother. Her father, who is a social worker, and her mother, an accountant, had a daughter before adopting them, then later seoalso adopted an Ethiopian baby into their multicultural family. Meijer first saw a harp when she was eight years old. “Its shape was so elegant, and had so many strings. It looked so mysterious. I also wanted to do something different, rather than the piano or the violin, which everyone else used to play. I begged my 太平洋房屋parents to let me learn the harp, but they dissuaded me at first, saying ‘let’s wait another year,’ said Meijer. Meijer was patient -- she waited a year -- and began learning to play harp at school. At the age of 11, she was admitted to a special school for the gifted and, aged 14, won first prize at the Prinses 酒店工作Christina Competition and the Nederlands Harp Competition in 1997. In 2000, she again won first prize, this time at the International Harp Competition in Brussels , then reclaimed the Nederlands Harp Competition in 2004. She completed her bachelor’s degree in music in Utrecht Conservatory and earned her master’s at 租屋網Amsterdam Conservatory. “Many people think of the harp as an orchestral instrument but, in fact, it has so much potential -- just like the piano. I wanted to let the audience know the infinite potential that this instrument has, with my own hands,” said Meijer. She has performed with the Hague Philharmonic and the 房屋出租Radio Symphony Orchestra of the Netherlands, and held a recital in Carnegie Hall, New York in December last year. “I give commentaries during recitals to help the audience better understand the sound and charm of this instrument,” said Meijer. Meijer will perform with the Korean Symphony Orchestra in the New Year’s 婚禮佈置Concert at the Seoul Arts Center in January 2009. “I don’t have any memory of Korea, because I left when I was two years old. But I have developed an interest in Korean music and culture, playing music composed by Yun I-sang. Most of all, I want to find Korean music that can be played on harp,” said Meijer. 接受荷關鍵字廣告蘭電台訪問: